Dr. Richard R. Guzman
Dr. Richard R. Guzman is the Professor of English, North Central College, Naperville, Illinois, Coordinator, Master of Arts in Liberal Studies.
Ph.D. – University of Virginia, 1977. (DuPont Fellow, 1975)
M.A. – California State University, Hayward, 1973
B.A. – University of California, Berkeley, 1971
Critical & Cultural Theory; African-American, Ethnic & Third World Literature; Race, Ethnicity & Multicultural Studies; Creative Non-Fiction; American & British Literature, 1870-1930; Composition & Technical Writing; Creative Writing; Bible and other Sacred Texts as Literature; History of Science; Jazz & Culture; Urban and Suburban Studies/Town Planning; Film; Leadership and Social Change.
Have also taught courses in beginning computer science, and have been instructor and consultant in writing and organization for: AT&T/Bell Labs, City of Naperville, Caterpillar Tractor, Brown & Root Engineering, and others. College instructor at: Wheaton College (1980), University of Virginia (1974-77), California State University, Hayward (1971-73). Founded University of Virginia’s Writing Center (1975), and was a student founder of the Ethnic Studies Program, University of California, Berkeley (1970), the first university ethnic studies program in the United States. Have also taught abroad (London, Fall 2000).
- National Endowment for the Humanities scholar, Silk Road Institute, East-West Center, Hawaii, 2006
- President, The Association of Graduate Liberal Studies Programs, 2000-2002. (An international organization of over 150 colleges & universities offering graduate liberal studies programs)
- Midwest Faculty Fellow, Globalization Project, University of Chicago, 1999.
- Those Who Excel Award for Meritorious Service to Education in Illinois (IL Board of Education), 1998
- Sears Foundation Award for Outstanding Teaching and Leadership, 1991
- Who’s Who in American Education, 1989
- Dissinger Award for Outstanding Teaching, 1985
- Southern Poverty Law Center, Leadership Council, since 1985
- Outstanding Young Men of America, 1981
- ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers), since 1981
- Danforth Associate, 1980-1986
Black Writing from Chicago: In the World, Not of It? (editor). Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois Univ., June 2006.
Writing Well Wherever You Work. (Pre-publication download available on this site. See Books page)
“Magic and Consumption at the End of History.” International Journal of the Humanities, 2:2 (Spring 2006): 1251-1256.
“Miscegenation and Me,” in Mixing It Up: Multiraciality in America, SanSan Kwan and Kenneth Speirs, eds. Austin, TX: Univ. of Texas Press, 2004: 91-106
“Turning a corner on racism.” Daily Herald, 21 February 2002. Sec. 5: 1-2.
Smokestacks and Skyscrapers: An Anthology of Chicago Writing (editor, with David Starkey). Chicago: Wild Onion Books / Loyola Press, 1999.
“ ‘As in myth the signs were all over:’ the Fiction of N.V.M. Gonzalez,” in Harold Bloom, ed. Asian American Writers (Bloom’s Modern Critical Views series). Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 1999: 69-82. [This is the most recent reprinting of an article which originally appeared in The Virginia Quarterly in Winter 1984.]
Integrating Knowledge and Action: A Workbook of Graduate Liberal Studies. Durham, N.C.: Duke University/Association of Graduate Liberal Studies Programs, 1996.
Reflections on the Good Society (editor). Chicago: DePaul University/Association of Graduate Liberal Studies Programs, 1994.
“The Saint and the Sage: The Fiction of Raja Rao.” Virginia Quarterly Review, 56 (Winter 1980), 32-50.
Voices and Freedoms: A History of Jazz. Textbook published by the School of Continuing Studies, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, 1976. Sixteen-part radio series produced and syndicated nationally by the Intercollegiate Broadcasting System, 1976, 1978-1981.
“The Love of Thy Children” (Glory Sound/Shawnee, 1978). “Neckties” (Journal of Indian Writing in English, January 1982), “Why Sinatra Grows on You” (Nebo, 1998), “Someone Overuses a Pager” (The Wallace Stevens Journal, 1998), “Lilies,” “The Mammalian Response,” “Coming Into Lent” (A New Song, 1997). Music/poetry performances in Chicago at: Palmer House, Chicago Historical Society, Borders (Michigan Ave.), Café Voltare, The Bop Shop, The Green Mill, WGN and WBEZ Radio, The Gleacher Center and others. Colleges (North Central College, Lewis University), libraries (Lisle, Orland Park, Naperville, Batavia), etc.
“Ray Charles, James Baldwin, and Reverse Integrations.” Association of Graduate Liberal Studies Programs Annual Meeting, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, October 2007.
“Magic and Consumption at the End of History,” New Directions in the Humanities Conference, Prato, Italy, July 2004.
“The Empty Center and the International Style,” National Conference of the Asian Studies Development Program Association, Phoenix, AZ, April 2003.
“Against Pure Purity,” International Conference of the Society for Indian Philosophy and Religion, Kolkatta, India, August 2002.
“Race, Diversity and Privilege.” Administrators forum, Aurora/Naperville School District #204, Aurora, IL, June 1999.
“Leadership Jazz.” Managers Retreat, United Parcel Service. Rolling Meadows, IL, July 1998.
“Improvising Identity.” Association of Graduate Liberal Studies Programs Annual Meeting, Simon Fraser Univ., Vancouver, B.C., October 1996.
“We Wear the Masks.” First Annual Conference on Multi-Cultural Affairs, Forest Institute of Professional Psychology, Chicago, June 1990.
“The International Hotel” (book on radicalism in America)
“Reading the Blues” (anthology of great writing on the blues)
“East and West Converging? (anthology and study of “Eastern” critical theory)
“Longing” (book).
“Detachments” (collection of poetry).
“Possession: Three Situations in the English Literatures of the Third World” (book).
“Composing, Decomposing, and Playing in the Tropics” (article).
Participant in Tolbert Rufugee Assistant Foundation (TRAF) “Bryan House” project. See explanations for Bryan House and Emmanuel House on this site under the Social Change page. (2006 and on-going)
Chair, Church Council, Friendship United Methodist Church (Bolingbrook), and head of CULTURAL CROSSINGS project, an effort to bridge gaps and create closer bonds across racial, ethnic, and cultural boundaries. (2004 and on-going)
Plan Consultant and Chair of Diversity Plan Committee, Naperville (IL) School District 203. Brought comprehensive diversity plan to school district, covering hiring, staff development, curriculum review and development, and community and communication initiatives. Presented plan in major town meetings and cable tv programming. (1997 and on-going)
Member and major presenter, Foreign Language Committee, Naperville (IL) School District 203. Brought comprehensive foreign language study to school district starting in grade 3 and articulated through grade 12. (1995 – 1997)
Assistant Musical Director and keyboard player for the band Sin Nombre, Aurora Hispanic ministry Desarollo Familiar Christiana. (1997 – 2000)
Steering Committee, Project Unity / Churches and Schools, Aurora (IL) East School District. Initiatives to get churches and schools into voluntary cooperative programs for youth. (1996 – 1998)
Participant in Public Action to Deliver Shelter, Aurora (1978-1996). Coordinator of Friendship United Methodist Church’s Daybreak Shelter project, Joliet. (2002 – present)
SELECTED COLLEGE SERVICE (North Central College, Naperville, IL)
Convener of ad-hoc committees and head of working groups which have founded new masters programs in Social Entrepreneurship, Writing, Editing and Publishing, Culture and Society, and Ethics and Public Service. (2007 and ongoing)
Chair, Department of English. (2001 – 2004)
Founder and coordinator of the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies program (1989 – present), and the Master of Leadership Studies program. (1996 – present)
Chair, Graduate Studies Committee. (1998 – 2000)
Director of Cultural Events. Built program from six events a year to forty, and budget from $4,000 to $30,000. (1983 – 1993)
Founder and administrator of the Nicholas Hood Scholarship which makes awards to minority students seriously exploring a career in college teaching. (1990 – present. Over $8,000 in funds eligible for 2007 disbursement.)
Founding member and committee member of Gospel Extravaganza. (1988 – 1996)
Chair or member of committees which reformulated college’s general education requirements (1978), started College Scholars Program (1981), reformulated workload policies (2000), restructured governance (2003), etc.
Advisory editor, The North Central Review, the college’s literary magazine. (1980 – 1991, 2001-2004)
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