Tag Archives: Arjun Appadurai
Filipinos in the Land of the Hyper-Real
Note: The following is part of a talk delivered at the Critical Mixed Race Studies Conference, DePaul University, November 2014. It may be my favorite piece of music ever on TV. Below, watch a VIDEO of the “Filipino Concert … Continue reading
The “Third World:” A Course Overview
The video below gives a course overview of MLS 634 – The “Third World,” a course I teach in the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies program at North Central College. It walks you through a recent syllabus, commenting on the books … Continue reading
The “Third World”
The “First World” of capitalism, the “Second World” of communism, the “Third World” of countries emerging from the imperialism of the first two worlds. Experts and the general public quibble about terms, and “Third World” leaves much to be desired, … Continue reading