Kevin Andrew Prchal & Dan Guzman perform “Hallelujah” at the Bryan House Garden Dedication
Emmanuel House began as Bryan House, a living memorial to Bryan Emmanuel Guzman. Founded by Bryan’s oldest brother, Rick, and Rick’s wife Desiree, it’s still the centerpiece of Emmanuel House’s growing number of sites, and still called Bryan House. There’s a garden there with Bryan’s ashes under a memorial stone. When that garden was dedicated in October 2009 Kevin Andrew Prchl, a wonderful singer/song-writer and one of our most ardent and long-time supporters, performed Leonard Cohen’s classic “Hallelujah,” a song he used to end many of his shows with. Dan Guzman was there as well, and the two combined on this impromptu performance.
> In 2016 Emmanuel House was named one of the “TOP 100 MOST INNOVATIVE” social change organizations in the world.
See the video below. Being outdoors, you hear wind blowing and some traffic noise—including some squealing tires—but nothing takes away from the beautiful singing and playing. Enjoy. Learn more about Emmanuel House & Bryan House, and join us in our effort to disrupt the cycles of poverty that so often trap hard-working American families.
♦ Go to the Emmanuel House/Bryan House main page on this site.
♦ Hear “Peace Not War,” another song performed at the Garden Dedication by Kevin and Daniel.
♦ Kevin also organized members of some of Chicago’s finest bands—like Company of Thieves and American Taxi—to record this famous Cohen song in Bryan’s honor, the money from downloads going to Bryan House. They first performed it live at Chicago’s famed Metro in December 2007, near the first anniversary of Bryan’s death. Here’s a YouTube video of it, dark and grainy, but full of spirit.
♦ Hear more of Dan Guzman’s music on this site.
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